Saturday, June 21, 2014

A Wish for More Wishes--Really

Summer break at last!  This season finds me outside much more, enjoying and appreciating all the beauties of nature.  I love a fresh sea breeze and a beautiful sunset.  I love a short walk through the park or a long hike through the hills.  We have such a wonderous world!  It set me to thinking...

Any time someone asks, “If you could have any wish you want, what would you wish for?” doesn’t everyone always say, “I’d wish for more wishes”?  You don’t ask for specific stuff, you ask for the ability to get anything you want.  Well, I kind of think of this concept when I think of eternal inheritance.

In Doctrine and Covenants 84 we read about the priesthood.  Christ promises to those who obey the commandments and honor the priesthood, “all that my Father hath shall be given unto him” (v 38).

When I think about this, maybe it doesn’t mean His creations.  I mean, I would love to inherit Grand Teton National Park, or New Zealand’s South Island.  He could give me those.  They are His, right? But how could He promise those to me if someone else wants them, too?

So, maybe He doesn’t mean all the stuff. Maybe He means all the power He has.  

As a parent, rather than just giving my kids everything they need and want, I'd love to give them skills to help them become self-reliant, to help them reach their own dreams, not just the dreams I have for them.

It’s like granting more wishes.  Although He could, Heavenly Father won't give me the South Island,  maybe He'll give me the power to create my own South Island.  The power to create my own national park. The power to create whatever else I wish. 

He has already restored some of His priesthood keys to earth.  But won’t it be amazing one day to possess all His priesthood keys?  Afterall, it is through the power of the priesthood that the Lord created all that we have.  And He has promised all that He has to us.  What a wish!

I'm not saying I want the priesthood conferred upon me.  I already know I can access all the blessings the priesthood brings, and I'm so very thankful for that, for a wonderful husband and sons who hold and honor the priesthood!